Interest on Student Loans is Your Enemy
You probably have lots of friends in your life. But I promise you, interest on your student loans is not one of them. Interest on student loans is your enemy. And the only way you can kill the little...
View ArticleThe Pay As You Earn Plan Drives More People Deeper Into Student Debt
The Pay As You Earn (PAYE) student loan repayment plan is driving more people deeper into debt. Its original intent was noble because it can provide a safety net for those with large student loans and...
View ArticleHow Are You Doing on Your Budget So Far?
A monthly budget is a powerful tool for paying off your student loans. As Dave Ramsey says, a budget is how you make your money behave! He also says that using a budget will make you feel like you got...
View ArticlePay As You Earn is Not What it Appears
There has been a lot of press recently about expanding the Pay As You Earn (PAYE) plan for paying back your student loans. Generally speaking, Pay as You Earn creates a payment of 10% of your income....
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